The NEOS Server offers BARON for the solution of mixed integer nonlinearly constrained optimization problems and global optimization problems. Problems for BARON can be submitted on NEOS in AMPL or GAMS format.
BARON is a computational system for solving nonconvex optimization problems to global optimality. Purely continuous, purely integer, and mixed-integer nonlinear problems can be solved with the software. The Branch And Reduce Optimization Navigator derives its name from combining constraint propagation, interval analysis, and duality in its reduce arsenal with enhanced branch and bound concepts as it winds its way through the hills and valleys of complex optimization problems in search of global solutions.
BARON was developed and is currently maintained by Nick Sahinidis. Availability of BARON on the NEOS Server is possible thanks to the generosity of The GAMS Development Corporation and the providers of software for the solution of the LP and NLP subproblems solved by BARON.
The user must submit a model in NL format. The NEOS Server will automatically handle an NL model in either binary or text format. NL files in either format can additionally be zipped, gzipped, or tarred prior to submission if desired.
An options file can optionally be specified. Please note that certain options may be restricted, altered, or removed by the NEOS server prior to solving. For example, users are limited to a max of four solver threads -- requests for more threads in the options file will not be honored.