The NEOS Server offers COPT Cardinal Optimizer for the solution of linear programming (LP) and mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). Acceptable input formats for COPT on the NEOS server include AMPL, GAMS, LP, MPS, and NL formats.

Details on COPT can be found on the COPT website.

Using the NEOS Server for COPT/NL

The NEOS Server will automatically handle an NL model in either binary or text format. NL files in either format can additionally be zipped, gzipped, or tarred prior to submission if desired.

An options file can optionally be specified. Note: certain options may be restricted, altered, or removed by the NEOS server prior to solving. For example, users are limited to a max of four solver threads -- requests for more threads in the options file will not be honored.

Web Submission Form
Model File
Enter the location of the NL model (local file)
Options File (optional)
Enter the location of the NL options file (local file)
Additional Settings

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Please do not click the 'Submit to NEOS' button more than once.