The NEOS Server offers COPT Cardinal Optimizer for the solution of linear programming (LP) and mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). Acceptable input formats for COPT on the NEOS server include AMPL, GAMS, LP, MPS, and NL formats.

Details on COPT can be found on the COPT website.

Using the NEOS Server for COPT/LP

The user must submit a model in LP format to solve a linear program.

Web Submission Form
LP file
Enter the location of the LP file
Options File
Enter the location of file containing COPT option settings
Display File
Enter the location of file containing post-optimization commands (display)
Basis file
Enter the path to a basis file (optional)
MIP start file
Enter the path to a MIP start file (optional)
Solution file
Enter the path to a solution file (optional)
Return .bas file
Check the box to include the basis file as part of the results (only valid for LPs)
Return .mst file
Check the box to include the MIP start file as part of the results (only valid for MILPs)
Return .sol file
Check the box to include the solution file as part of the results
Additional Settings

E-Mail address:
Please do not click the 'Submit to NEOS' button more than once.