NEOS Interfaces to RAPOSa

Sample Submissions


The NEOS Server offers RAPOSa for the solution of global optimization and mixed-integer problems. Problems can be submitted to RAPOSa in AMPL format on the NEOS server.

RAPOSa (Reformulation Algorithm for Polynomial Optimization - Santiago) is a global optimization solver, specifically designed for mixed-integer polynomial programming problems with box-constrained variables. Written entirely in C++, it is based on the Reformulation-Linearization Technique developed by Hanif D. Sherali and Cihan H. Tuncbilek [5] and subsequently improved by Hanif D. Sherali, Evrim Dalkiran and collaborators [2] [3] [4]. To cite RAPOSa, please refer to this recently accepted paper in the Journal of Global Optimization:

The main features of RAPOSa are:

RAPOSa is maintained by the development team of

Further information on RAPOSa can be found on the RAPOSa Website.

Using the NEOS Server for RAPOSa/AMPL

The user must submit a model in AMPL format. Examples are provided in the examples section of the AMPL website.

The problem must be specified in a model file. A data file and commands files may also be provided. If the commands file is specified, it must contain the AMPL solve command; however, it must not contain the model or data commands. The model and data files are renamed internally by NEOS.

The commands file may include option settings for the solver. To specify solver options, add

  option raposa_options 'OPTIONS';
where OPTIONS is a list of one or more of the available solver options for AMPL.

Web Submission Form
Model File
Enter the location of the AMPL model (local file)
Data File
Enter the location of the AMPL data file (local file)
Commands File
Enter the location of the AMPL commands file (local file)
Additional Settings

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Please do not click the 'Submit to NEOS' button more than once.